
MotherBoard is an online platform connecting mothers with the professional jobs and support they need to launch, refine, or grow their careers.

MotherBoard is being built as you read this by a small group of driven women in Cleveland, OH who are changing the conversation about what it means to be a working mother. This blog chronicles our journey as we launch a startup business while balancing our own families and careers.

From full-time positions to project work, MotherBoard helps women realize their career potentials by allowing them to find meaningful work in any capacity that meets their own circumstances. Whether opting back into the workforce or scaling back, MotherBoard offers a community of support built around the unique opportunities and challenges of integrating parenting with career.

MotherBoard also helps organizations maximize the potential of a valuable workforce – mothers. MotherBoard specializes in addressing the gaps in limited staffing capacities by connecting our business partners with qualified, cost-effective project managers and contract employees in the form of smart, ready-to-work moms.

MotherBoard was a winning pitch at the Cleveland Leadership Center‘s Accelerate NEO civic pitch competition in February 2016.

Join us as we build this business and launch a catalyst for a fresh conversation about professional mothers and their value in the workplace. Connect with us on social media, leave a comment, follow along – we want to hear from you. Our website platform, MotherBoard.me, will launch later this year.

Click here to sign up for our mailing list and help us launch!  


MotherBoard founder Jessica Allen (left of center, in polka dots, and also the very shortest one on the stage) and the other Cleveland Leadership Center‘s #AccelerateNEO finalists. 


2 thoughts on “About

  1. I am looking to post some job openings on your site and would like to get some information. I have tried emailing Jessica but is comes back saying it is not a working email.


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